First Nations Digital Inclusion roadmap
The Advisory Group is pleased to announce the launch of the First Nations Digital Inclusion roadmap: 2026 and beyond.
Closing the Gap in digital inclusion for First Nations Australians is a national priority. The First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group has been set up to support the community and government to reach this goal together.
Improving digital inclusion helps First Nations people have better opportunities for employment, social connectedness, and access to vital services.

We work closely with the community to hear their views on digital inclusion and to understand local needs and priorities. We draw on the best evidence of what works, and will use this to provide advice to the Minister for Communications.
The way we work supports shared decision-making to reach Target 17 of the National Agreement(Opens in a new tab/window):
By 2026, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have equal levels of digital inclusion.
The purpose of this Target is to help First Nations Australians have access to the information they need to make important decisions about their lives, their families and the communities.
This means making sure First Nations Australians have access to affordable and reliable internet, and have the ability to use online services effectively and safety.
We will be focusing on digital inclusion across a range of issues, including telecommunications, media and broadcasting. We will also look into better national collection of data relating to digital inclusion.
This will help to know more about digital inclusion challenges in different communities, and measure progress towards Target 17.